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Against Calvinism Olson R. E. Zondervan 2011 Calvinist theology has been debated and promoted for centuries. But is it a theology that should last? Roger Olson suggests that Calvinism, also commonly known as Reformed theology, holds an unwarranted place in our list of accepted theologies. In Against Calvinism, readers will find scholarly arguments explaining why Calvinist theology is incorrect and how it affects God’s reputation. Olson draws on a variety of sources, including Scripture, reason, tradition, and experience, to support his critique of Calvinism and the more historically rich, biblically faithful alternative theologies he proposes. Addressing what many evangelical Christians are concerned about today—so-called “new Calvinism,” a movement embraced by a generation labeled as “young, restless, Reformed” — Against Calvinism is the only book of its kind to offer objections from a non-Calvinist perspective to the current wave of Calvinism among Christian youth. As a companion to Michael Horton’s For Calvinism, readers will be able to compare contrasting perspectives and form their own opinions on the merits and weaknesses of Calvinism.
Biblisches Ethos im Zeitalter der Moralrevolution Huntemann G. SCM Hänssler 1999 Der Titel deutet an, was der Autor mit diesem Buch beabsichtigt. Angesichts der Moralrevolution der Gesellschaft und Kirche sucht er die Gemeinde Christi beharrlich an das biblische Ethos zu erinnern und dafür zu werben, für dieses in der Welt zu kämpfen. In seinem umfangreichen Kompendium wird er nicht müde zu betonen, dass christliches Ethos heteronomes Ethos ist, genauer: Offenbarungsethos. Dabei ist ihm wichtig: Auch das für die Heiden geltende Ethos ist kein natürliches Ethos, sondern stammt aus der Uroffenbarung sowie aus den noachitischen Geboten. Für gegenwärtige deutsche Theologie provokativ akzentuiert er die Einheit von alt- und neutestamentlichem Ethos: Auch das alttestamentliche Gesetz sei "frohe Botschaft" mit "heilbringender" Bedeutung.
Blended Worship: Achieving Substance and Relevance in Worship Webber R. E., Webber R. Hendrickson Publishers 1996 "We, the people of God, cry to God ... We want God to break into the world and touch our lives and our churches so that we can sense God's presence. We want God's power - a power like that of the Resurrection and Pentecost - to fill our church with new life and hope". With these impassioned words, theologian Robert E. Webber captures the deep hunger felt by many Christians for the empowering presence of an omnipotent God. In this timely and important treatise, the author relates personal experiences and shares astute observations that show how worship - the joyful celebration of the work of Christ - can break down the barriers that separate humanity from God's presence. Blended Worship examines the wide array of worship styles, from traditional to contemporary, currently in practice in today's churches. Webber explores how all churches can benefit from a blending of these various styles, to achieve a meaningful and renewing worship experience. Liturgy, responsive readings, folk songs, hymns, liturgical dance, hand clapping, passing the peace of Christ, banners, drama - all of these can be effective ways to express and enter into the worship of God.
Can Science Explain Every Thing? Lennox J. C. The Good Book Company 2019 Many people think so. Science, and the technologies it has spawned, has delivered so much to the world: clean water; more food; better healthcare; longer life. And we live in a time of rapid scientific progress that holds enormous promise for many of the problems we face as humankind. So much so, in fact, that many see no need or use for religion and belief systems that offer us answers to the mysteries of our universe. Science has explained it, they assume. Science and religion just do not mix. Oxford Maths Professor and Christian believer Prof. John Lennox offers a fresh way of thinking about science and Christianity that dispels the common misconceptions about both. He reveals that not only are they not opposed, but they can and must mix to give us a fuller understanding of the universe and the meaning of our existence.
Cross-Cultural Servanthood: Serving the World in Christlike Humility Elmer D. InterVarsity Press 2006 Duane Elmer asked people around the world how they felt about Western missionaries. The response? "Missionaries could be more effective if they did not think they were better than us." The last thing we want to do in cross-cultural ministry is to offend people in other cultures. Unfortunately, all too often and even though we don't mean it, our actions communicate superiority, paternalism, imperialism and arrogance. Our best intentions become unintentional insults. How can we minister in ways that are received as true Christlike service? Cross-cultural specialist Duane Elmer gives Christians practical advice for serving other cultures with sensitivity and humility. With careful biblical exposition and keen cross-cultural awareness, he shows how our actions and attitudes often contradict and offend the local culture. He offers principles and guidance for avoiding misunderstandings and building relationships in ways that honor others. Here is culturally-savvy insight into how we can follow Jesus' steps to become global servants. Whether you're going on your first short-term mission trip or ministering overseas for extended periods, this useful guide is essential reading for anyone who wants to serve effectively in international settings with grace and sensitivity.
Ethik Band 1 - 8 Schirrmacher T. VTR Verlag in Koproduktion mit RVB 2009 Band 1: Das Gesetz der Liebe (Gott, Glaube, Ethik), Band 2: Das Gesetz der Liebe (Der Bund zwischen Gott und Mensch), Band 3: Das Gesetz der Freiheit (Die Differenzierung von Gottes Willen), Band 4: Das Gesetz der Freiheit (Das AT im NT, Sexualethik), Band 5: Gottes Ordnungen (Erziehung, Wirtschaft, Kirche), Band 6: Gottes Ordnungen (Staat, Recht), Band 7: Kursbuch, Band 8: Register
Excellence in Leadership White J. Inter-Varsity Press, Leicester 1986 Short deadlines, not enough staff, tight budgets, personal attacks, external opposition, internal conflicts, a huge task - every leader faces these problems. But as Christians, should we solve them by using the secular strategies of best-selling management books? Or is there another way? John White says there is. Nehemiah provides the model we need for excellence in leadership. From the way he overcame obstacles, we find practical solutions for surmounting the problems we encounter. From the way he achieved his goals, we learn how to accomplish the work God has called us to. With the wisdom and biblical insight John White is known for, he shows how to be action-oriented and prayer-oriented, a firm leader and a servant, a realist and a visionary. This book confronts the crises facing leaders today. Here White inspires and guides us in our task. A book for present and future leaders.
For Calvinism Horton M. S. Zondervan 2011 The system of theology known as Calvinism has been immensely influential for the past five hundred years, but it is often encountered negatively as a fatalistic belief system that confines human freedom and renders human action and choice irrelevant. Taking us beyond the caricatures, Michael Horton invites us to explore the teachings of Calvinism, also commonly known as Reformed theology, by showing us how it is biblical and God-centered, leading us to live our lives for the glory of God.Horton explores the historical roots of Calvinism, walking readers through the distinctive known as the “Five Points,” and encouraging us to consider its rich resources for faith and practice in the 21st Century. As a companion to Roger Olson’s Against Calvinism, readers will be able to compare contrasting perspectives and form their own opinions on the merits and weaknesses of Calvinism.
Intertextuality and the Reading of Midrash Boyarin D. Indiana University Press 1994 Proceeding by means of intensive readings of passages from the early midrash on Exodus The Mekilta, Boyarin proposes a new theory of midrash that rests in part on an understanding of the heterogeneity of the biblical text and the constraining force of rabbinic ideology on the production of midrash. In a forceful combination of theory and reading, Boyarin raises profound questions concerning the interplay between history, ideology, and interpretation.
One God, One People, One Future: Essays In Honour Of N. T. Wright Lewellen E., Dunne J. A. SPCK 2018 These essays focus on N. T. Wright's contribution to New Testament theology and interpretation over the past four decades. The structure is three-fold, corresponding to the three areas of classic Jewish theology that Wright views as starting points for discerning the shape of New Testament theology: monotheism, election, and eschatology. Working within these broad categories, the contributors critically engage with Wright's work from both biblical and theological perspectives.
Predictable Success McKeown L. Greenleaf Book Group LLC 2010 Predictable Success is a fantastic system created by author Les McKeown to describe the stages of business growth and the people needed on your team to reach your business’s potential. Join us as we learn about these ideas directly from Les himself and work to apply them specifically to tours and activities companies.
Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God: The Scandalous Truth of the Very Good News Zahnd B. Waterbrook Press 2017 Does God's Wrath Define Christianity? Or Does God's Love? In his famous sermon -Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, - Puritan revivalist Jonathan Edwards shaped predominating American theology with a vision of God as angry, violent, and retributive. Three centuries later, Brian Zahnd was both mesmerized and terrified by Edwards's wrathful God. Haunted by fear that crippled his relationship with God, Zahnd spent years praying for a divine experience of hell. What Zahnd experienced instead was the Father's love--revealed perfectly through Jesus Christ--for all prodigal sons and daughters. In Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God, Zahnd asks important questions like Is seeing God primarily as wrathful towards sinners true or biblical? Is fearing God a normal, expected behavior? And where might the natural implications of this theological framework lead us? Thoughtfully wrestling with subjects like Old Testament genocide, the crucifixion of Jesus, eternal punishment in hell, and the final judgment in Revelation, Zanhd maintains that the summit of divine revelation for sinners is not God is wrath, but God is love.
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Pappé I. Oneworld 2006 "The 1948 Palestine-Israel War is known to Israelis as 'The War of Independence', but for Palestinians it will forever be the Nakba, the 'catastrophe'. Alongside the creation of the State of Israel, the end of the war led to one of the largest forced migrations in modern history. Around a million people were expelled from their homes at gunpoint, civilians were massacred, and hundreds of Palestinian villages deliberately destroyed. Though the truth about the mass expulsion has been systematically distorted and suppressed, had it taken place in the twenty-first century it could only have been called 'ethnic cleansing'." "Prominent Israeli academic Ilan Pappe argues passionately for the international recognition of this tragedy. His groundbreaking and controversial work sheds new light on the origins and development of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, asking questions that the world has so far failed to ask to reveal the real story behind the events of 1948. Based on meticulous research, including recently declassified Israeli archival material, Dr. Pappe's timely account demonstrates conclusively that 'transfer' - a euphemism for ethnic cleansing - was from the start an integral part of a carefully planned strategy, and lies at the root, of today's ongoing conflict in the Middle East."
The Millennial Maze Grenz S. J. InterVarsity Press 1992 Jesus is coming back! On this issue Evangelicals are united. But ask, "When will he return? Before or after the millennium? What will the millennium be like? What exactly is our hope?" and you enter a bewildering maze of options all claiming to be the right one. In this book Stanley J. Grenz provides historical and biblical, as well as theological, perspective on the four major positions held by evangelicals--postmillennialism, dispensational premillennialism, historic premillennialism and amillennialism. Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of each position, he seeks to cut a new path through the maze that reaffirms the valid insights of each and sounds a fresh note of hope in an age of shattered illusions. As an added bonus readers will find that Grenz takes note of some of the latest development in dialog between dispensationalists and covenant theologians. The result has been some modifications in long-held positions that have brought the two groups closer together.
The Old Testament in Early Christianity: Canon and Interpretation in the Light of Modern Research Ellis E. E. Mohr Siebeck 1991 In this paperback edition of an important historical study, E. Earle Ellis examines the Old Testament canon in the early church and biblical interpretation in the New Testament. He writes from the conviction that the use of the Old Testament by the New Testament writers is the primary key to their theology and, thus, to the message of God that they taught the early church and that they continue to teach the church today.
Toward an Exegetical Theology: Biblical Exegesis for Preaching and Teaching Kaiser Jr. W. c. Baker Books 1998 According to Walter Kaiser there is a gap between the study of biblical text and the delivery of messages to God's people. Very few centers of biblical and homiletical training have ever taken the time or effort to show the student how to fill this gap. Kaiser intends to bridge the divide by proposing a syntactical-theological method of exegesis, consisting of contextual, syntactical, verbal, theological, and homiletical analysis.